Sunday 25 May 2014

Printing Screen Prints

Once my screens had dried I was able to print. I then mixed my ink to create the orange that I desired. I also used a remade metallic blue creating space vibe.

I then placed my ink on the screen and flooded the screen using the squeegee. I placed the screen onto the paper and the pull the squeegee to get your screen onto the paper. We realised with my black screen due to the bigger mesh that it you shouldn't flood for that mesh.

 This is how my first screen came out. Some areas weren't printed due to the screen not being exposed well. This may have been due to the astatate not being black enough or placing two screens in at once.

To align the first screen with the second screen we used another piece of astatate which we printed onto. We then placed our paper underneath and aligned them so that when I printed it would be correct.

I then printed again in my metallic Blue Ink.

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