Friday 30 May 2014

Typeface in Emulation

I felt my emulation did not portray the artist due to the sans serif typeface so after producing my own I placed it back into my emulation.

From my typeface, I placed this in photoshop I used a variety of caps and lower case to create the unique logo as well as contrasting the words in black and white.

I then placed this on my previous emulation and experimented on how I the text could be seen. The top left seemed to have too much white space where as the bottom two used white space but were hard to view. I felt the top right was the most appealing as it contrasts with the grid drawing attention towards the Logo.

I then edited with colour making some of the text green and some black.

I still did not enjoy this as the text conflicted with the inked drawing. I therefore created a perimeter around the typeface.

Here is the final product.

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