Saturday 7 June 2014

Aspect to Aspect

This montage of ideas is used to set the scene. From my research of similar artefacts many album covers use designs that are in the style of a comic or designed by an iconic artist. Using a similar style as cartoonist Seth I tried to recreate scenes to do with artists. I used colours and edited the layers so that the colours worked together well. This is an alternative to Screen Printing

First I inked out three pages, each page contained a different inked part of the image.

I then scanned the images in and placed them on photoshop. I edited the threshold so that all I had was black and white.

 I then made it a layer and removed the white by using the magic wand to select everything that was white.

I then placed all the layers for the specific image in one document and coloured them by selecting the object in the layer and colouring them

This how my page worked out. I used a complementry colour scheme with some complimentary yellow and orange, this made there be a relationship between the images.

I developed some images with other colours to see how they would work individually.

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